Thursday 21 March 2013

World has Gone Video

In the 90's a video used to be a big plastic box containing some film reels that you had to sit and rewind by keeping your finger on the rewind button. Video today is a nice embedded bit of code that can play HD quality straight to your Laptop, Smart Phone or tablet. It has been revealed that over One Billion regular users are registered on YouTube. Most of them will be posting funny videos and clips of things that have recorded on their handheld devices but there are some real benefits to the use of video online.

Why is Video Online Growing?

Video online technology has become far more accessible with improvements in speed of internet connections, the roll out of 4G technology will facilitate this even further. With so many devices getting smaller and more lightweight video is more conducive to viewing than text heavy websites. Traditional forms of television is laden with advertising and the days of waiting a week for the next episode of your favourite TV show are over. With a much wider spectrum of shows, films and clips available online people frequently choose to build their own channels.

Why YouTube?

It is hugely popular and has the weight of Google behind it meaning that it is likely to stay at the top of searches for video for a long time. Whilst traditionally Google was a place for funny clips and TV shows broken into smaller clips against copyright laws it has moved to a platform of expression for the individual. People can easily and cheaply

Ways to Use Video

Before the days of YouTube you had to make do with some written text about how to do things, but with how to guides about almost everything freely available on YouTube you can learn new skills in seconds. Product reviews and launches are also another popular video format on YouTube keeping you up to date with the latest news about gadgets and games. Business advertising has also been boosted by this platform with the opportunity to get your message out there and create some hilarious Viral videos. Finally it also helps political and group movements, with user filmed content to show what is actually happening in different places around the world. So before you think YouTube is all about a monkey falling out a tree or a shark chasing a surfer have a browse and see what you can learn about.

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